DNS plays a vital role in determining how fast your website loads. Slow DNS resolution, incorrect configurations, and latency issues can cause delays, frustrating users. By implementing low TTL values, using geographically distributed DNS servers, and choosing a reliable DNS provider, you can significantly improve website performance. Optimized DNS settings ensure fast access, reducing downtime and enhancing user experience. Read the full article to discover how DNS affects website speed and how to fix common issues.
Reverse DNS and DNS records: What do you have to know?
If you decide to implement Reverse DNS, it is going to be very beneficial. It provides proof and validation that the IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) actually corresponds with your domain name. However, there are some essential DNS records that you should add to your Reverse DNS zone in order for it to function correctly. In case there is a mistake, the entire DNS zone will not work. Learn which DNS records to include in your Reverse DNS zone!
Nslookup command explained
The Nslookup command is a useful tool with a command-line interface (CLI) that you can use on every operating system (OS). You can use it for various DNS checks and also for Reverse DNS lookup. It is going to supply valuable information that is crucial for your domain name. Therefore, it is actually a very popular choice for DNS administrators. Discover the most popular examples of the Nslookup command!
How to test your Reverse DNS?
Reverse DNS is an additional service provided by your DNS hosting provider. It gives you the ability to link a particular IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) to the corresponding domain name. You can use a simple tool – the Dig command to see if you configured your Reverse DNS properly. The Dig command is a simple tool with a command-line interface (CLI). It is very easy to use the command and test your Reverse DNS, also you will receive a lot of valuable information. Find out how to check your Reverse DNS with the Dig command!